The projet
VERTIGE takes the form of an exploratory research project between video-theatre performance and political performance.
By questioning power and the relationship between the dominant and the dominated, VERTIGE stages bodies in struggle, where sacrifice, morality and the vulnerabilities of beings in submission and in revolt seek each other out, confront each other and try to free themselves from their shackles.
Initially choreographed as an immersive, sound-based production, the performances of VERTIGE were cancelled a few days before the premiere due to health restrictions in November 2020.
In order to keep the project alive, our only possible means of embodying it became the screen. We then looked at new ways of expressing ourselves and questioned the modes of representation by combining the tools of the performing arts, cinema/video and sound creation.
Our relationship with language was modified, our social spaces restricted, so we imagined our project through the eye of the camera, which replaces the viewer’s gaze, while bringing a special closeness to the actors. Thanks to this proximity to the camera, we are able to reveal what the theatre-goer cannot always achieve: the capture of bodies in tension and intimate expressions in a living environment that is sometimes difficult to portray.

Adaptation and artistic direction
Sandrine Nogueira
Cinematography, camera, editing – Joris Dragoman
Sound design – KHMGNFF (Barbara Khamouguinoff)
Sound arrangement – Mathieu Mardouhahev
Irréductibles – Catherine Bauder, Vincent Bouchard, Eliane van Cachou, Cloé de Coquereaumont, Anne-Sophie Debrabant, Marie Hoffmann, Judith Lavagna, Oriane Mack-Mallick, Axel Polybe, Chloe Risbourque, Frieder Wormser