TFB/Théâtre en Français à Berlin is first and foremost a space for courses – workshops – individual support – personal and artistic development, as well as shows, performances and laboratories.

Directed by Sandrine Nogueira, certain artistic activities are offered in collaboration with dancers, performers, video artists and singers engaged in a process of creation and professional research.

Sandrine shares her rigorous and demanding artistic know-how. Listening to oneself and to others, respecting the learning and creative process, being open-minded, paying attention to language and movement, and questioning habits are at the heart of her teaching.

Her teaching methods include Stanislavski’s acting technique, Meyerhold’s biomechanics, movement theatre, contact dance and yoga. She takes classical or contemporary texts and studies or stages them with the participants.

As far as I know, Sandrine Nogueira’s TFB/Théâtre en Français classes in Berlin are the most demanding and comprehensive I’ve ever taken in Berlin!
Fanny – Méthode de l’Acteur·ice, 2018