Today, some have left to continue their studies at drama schools, others have enriched their professional or personal lives thanks to the tools they received, one has become an assistant director, another has found the courage to develop her business, someone has started writing, making a film, another is doing stand-up. And thanks to the kindly encounters, she has found the confidence she had lost, as have so many others who have crossed the path of Sandrine and TFB/Théâtre en Français in Berlin and come out of it a little transformed!
Participants’ feedback
“I’d like to thank you for all the work we’ve done this weekend. Your professionalism and teaching style were remarkable. This first experience was powerful, moving and liberating for me. It’s one of the first times in my life that I’ve felt my body freeing itself, creating and having so much fun!”
Vanessa, Workshop La Méthode, 2019.
“It was a wonderful discovery for me. When I arrived in Berlin, I threw myself into a city, a life and an artistic discipline that were unknown to me. I’ll never regret those choices. Your method and your talent have a lot to do with this blossoming, and it’s a wonderful discipline that you teach. Don’t ever stop!”
Arnaud, Initiation course Méthode de l’Acteur·ice, 2015/16.
“As a novice, I enjoyed discovering a variety of unknown texts and authors, as well as getting into the babble of improvisation and interpretation. Your wise and relevant advice helped me and all of us to find a certain balance in the role we were playing. Thank you so much. The motley little troupe we made up was, and remains, friendly. Sometimes good-natured, sometimes more biting, everyone’s observations made us bolder and encouraged us to be less effusive. What an art!”
Marie, Cours Méthode de l’Acteur·ice, 2017/18.
“I found what I was looking for in your course: to push us a little out of our comfort zone, a lot of bodywork that I was missing, a complete show that made sense, and that was interesting both for us in terms of our work and for the spectator. And a great group!”
Joris, Creation course Méthode de l’Acteur·ice – De Terre et de Sang, 2017/18.